Search results for: torah scroll

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Candy Torah Scrolls

Looking for a way to keep your “little hands” busy before Simchat Torah or Shabbat? Ask your kids to make these “Torah Scrolls.” The “covers” can be decorated with sparkles or stickers. Better yet, your kids can turn these Torah treats into place-card holders – ask them to write each guest’s name on the outside, and maybe a sweet message on the inside.

Torah Scroll Centerpieces

Ages 5-10


parchment looking paper
wooden dowels
white glue
wide ribbon
printouts of Hebrew “Stam” letters

Directions: Have your kids draw or write about their favorite scene from Torah on the

“parchment paper”. Spread about an inch of glue on the sides of the paper. Roll a wooden dowel on each end, holding for glue to set.

Hint: roll both sides, then place a heavy book on the entire scroll until dry. Once the dowels are glued on you can have your child roll the Torah closed and tie a ribbon around the scroll.

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Wonderful Word Search: Simchat Torah


The last days of Sukkot bring new celebration to the holiday. Simchat Torah, the last day of Sukkot, celebrates both the ending and the beginning of the yearly Torah cycle. In fact, we finish the Torah and start the Torah on the same day. There is much celebration and dancing with the Torah scrolls.

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Parsha Craft: Netzavim Vayelech. Mini Sefer Torah

Parshat Vayelech contains the last two commandments found in the Torah and they both relate to the Torah itself. The first is the mitzvah to gather the people together for a special reading of the Torah every seven years (Deuteronomy 31:10-13) and the second is the mitzvah for every person to write a Sefer Torah (Deuteronomy 31:19). Kids will love making their very own mini Sefer Torah!

Wonderful Word Search: BeChukotai

This week we finish reading the book of VaYikrah. In this book, we have learned many laws: laws of the Land of Israel, laws of the Tabernacle and laws how we should treat our friends and neighbors. This entire book was revealed to the Israelites while they were standing at Mount Sinai.