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I have decided to grant myself one more hour each day. I have big plans. In my standard 24-hour a day cycle, David and I get our five kids off to five different school buildings each morning. My mornings are spent working, keeping on top of the house, debating the pros and cons of doing the laundry. My kids start arriving home at 1:30 in the afternoon. So my afternoons are art projects, Phineas and Ferb watching, homework doing, and dinner cooking.

There’s dinner, bath time, bedtime, and I’ll usually toss in another hour or two of work once the kids are asleep. My day is not all that different from any other parent’s day. We all juggle and hope to make it through the day thoughtfully, responsibly and with some modicum of sanity.

That’s why my “one more hour each day” plan is genius. It’s in my 25th hour each day that I truly shine. I’d like to take a few of those moments to offer up some form of significant prayer, I’d exercise, make an uninterrupted phone call, prepare and eat a meal that has representation from all major food groups. I’d talk to my husband and we’d both get to finish our thoughts before being pulled back into real life. Hour 25 sees me reading a magazine article from start to finish. I use my brain. I play piano. I inhale and exhale, deeply.

Just dreaming about hour 25 makes me a better mother.

What would you do with one more hour?