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How to Clean Your Stove Top

I don’t think the DIY mother who posted this video understood just how amazing her discovery would be. Happy Pesach cleaning! At least one part just got a lot easier!

Afikomen Presents

Afikomen is sort of the loot bag at the end of a Very Long party. Having lasted through the Seder, it seems to be the least we can do to offer up a gift in exchange for that mischievous piece of disappearing matza, the Afikomen. But it’s the gift, itself, that stumps me every year.

Fantastic Seder Ideas for Kids

As if there wasn’t enough pressure to clean the house for Pesach, to cook the food for Pesach and to host many many family members for the holiday, we’re also told that the Seder is created so that “the kids will ask.” Our real job as parents is to offer a seder that is child-friendly, interactive and creative. Here are some easy ways to get there:

10 Awesome Things to Add to Your Seder Table this Year (hint: none of them are matza!)

Seder is often a balancing act. You’re trying to keep your kids engaged while moving the seder along at a pace that even bubby would approve of. Try adding some of these great Seder props to your table. These are simple and cute ways to get your kids excited about the seder.

Menu Madness: Mishpatim

So, this week, the narrative party is over and being a Parashah Mom becomes a bit more complicated as parashat hashavua shifts to more legalistic discussions.


The plagues finally convince Pharaoh that it is time to let the Jews go. The Jews begin their dramatic exit from the land of Egypt.

Menu Madness: VaAyra

The parashah introduces the first seven of the ten plagues that God sent down on Egypt. The plagues will form the meal… rather than just be represented by a drop of wine as at the Pesach Seder.

Menu Madness: Shmot

Originally, when I began pondering this whole blogging-the-parashah idea, I joked that reaching Shmot would be strange, because why would I want to make Pesach in January.

Amazing Seder Table!

Loved this Seder table! My friend gave me the opportunity to stop cooking for a few minutes to see something truly amazing!

Apple Fritters

These have been Pesach breakfast in our family for 50 years.