Wonderful Word Search

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Wonderful Word Search: Beha’alotcha

Life wandering the desert can be tough. There is work to be done in the Temple of Meeting, there is wandering to be done, and there is Manna to be eaten. The Israelites begin to rebel in this week’s Torah reading.

Wonderful Word Search: Shavuot


We celebrate receiving the Torah at Mt. Sinai on Shavuot. Some people will stay up the entire night of Shavuot learning Torah to rejoice on the anniversary of when we first received the Torah. We also celebrate the start of the harvest season when the first fruits were brought up to the temple.

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Wonderful Word Search: Rosh Hashana

Rosh HaShana celebrates the Jewish New Year. Filled with beautiful traditions and laws, this holiday helps get our year off to a great start!

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Wonderful Word Search: Sukkot


Sukkot is a celebration of the harvest season in the land of Israel. Jews would live in huts in their fields as they were harvesting their crops. We also build Sukkot to remember the huts the Jews lived in while they were wandering through the desert. There are a number of different laws on how to build a Sukkah. For example, you cannot build a Sukkah under a tree and each Sukkah must have at least 2 and a half walls. (You may, however, build a Sukkah on a camel — just build it carefully!!!)

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Wonderful Word Search: Simchat Torah


The last days of Sukkot bring new celebration to the holiday. Simchat Torah, the last day of Sukkot, celebrates both the ending and the beginning of the yearly Torah cycle. In fact, we finish the Torah and start the Torah on the same day. There is much celebration and dancing with the Torah scrolls.

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Wonderful Word Search: Toldot

Yitzchak marries Rivka and together they begin a family with twins — Esav and Yaakov. One brother spends his time out in the field and the other sitting in his tent. A plan is hatched by Rivka to make sure Yaakov receives his father’s first blessing though he is the younger child.

Bereshit, Toldot, Torah|0 Comments

Wonderful Word Search: VaYeishev

This week Yosef takes center stage. He begins as a young boy in Canaan sharing his dreams with his brothers. He is sold into slavery and ends up in Egypt. He is thrown into prison and meets a baker and a cupbearer who have dreams who need to be interpreted.

Wonderful Word Search: Miketz

This week’s Parsha sees Yosef rise to power. From a prisoner in Egypt to the second in command, Yosef’s skill as a interpreter of dreams helps him impress Pharoah. When a famine does hit the land, Egypt is prepared. Yosef recognizes his brothers as they come from Canaan to ask for food, but he isn’t ready for a family reunion yet.

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Wonderful Word Search: VaYigash

When Yaakov hears that Yosef is alive, he brings his entire family – children and grandchildren – down to Egypt to reunite with Yosef and wait out the famine. As shepherds, they require land for the cattle. Pharoah grants them the land and Jacob and his family settle there.

Wonderful Word Search: VaYichi


Yaakov’s family gathers around as he blesses each of his children and some of his grandchildren before he passes away. Yaakov is mourned by his family and all of Egypt. He is brought back to Canaan to be buried there.