Personal Parsha: Miketz. The Butler
In this week’s parsha, the butler, 2 years after his release from jail, finally remembers to tell Pharaoh about Joseph. After no one succeeds in interpreting Pharaoh’s dreams, the butler tells him about Joseph who interpreted his and the baker’s dreams successfully.
Torah Treats: Miketz
In this week’s Torah reading, Pharaoh is haunted by mysterious dreams.
TEN: Miketz
Yosef begins this week’s Torah reading in prison and ends as the second in command of all of Egypt. It seems he’s been busy.
Parsha Craft: Miketz. Fat and Skinny Cows.
In this week’s Parsha, Parshat Miketz, Pharoah dreams of seven fat cows eating seven skinny cows. Ask your kids to tell you one of their weird dreams and ask them what they think it might mean. Then, go on to tell them Pharoah’s dream and Yosef’s interpretation. Kids will learn about shapes and tracing doing this project.
Wonderful Word Search: Miketz
This week’s Parsha sees Yosef rise to power. From a prisoner in Egypt to the second in command, Yosef’s skill as a interpreter of dreams helps him impress Pharoah. When a famine does hit the land, Egypt is prepared. Yosef recognizes his brothers as they come from Canaan to ask for food, but he isn’t ready for a family reunion yet.
Maze Magic: Miketz
Ten brothers come down to Egypt looking for food, leaving their youngest brother Benjamin behind. Joseph demands to see Benjamin, and the brothers return to Canaan to bring Benjamin. As they are leaving Egypt, Joseph instructs his servant to place a silver goblet in Benjamin’s bag. Benjamin is then arrested for stealing Joseph’s silver goblet! Click the icon below to download a printer-friendly version.
TableTalk: Miketz
Here are two questions that can keep your table busy in between courses!