Bracha Krohn

/Tag:Bracha Krohn

TableTalk: Noah

In this week’s parsha, God saves Noah, after destroying the rest of the world with a flood.

Although God clearly thinks Noah is a worthy individual, it takes another 10 generations until God chooses Abraham, the person with whom He’d like to make a covenant to build a special nation.

TableTalk: VaAyra

In this week’s Torah reading, Parshat Va’Ayra, we learn about the first seven plagues that God brought on Egypt. For the first three plagues, God commands Moses to tell Aaron, his brother, to hit the water and then the ground to begin the plague.

TableTalk: Ki Tavo

In this week’s Parsha, Ki Tavo, we are given the text that the person bringing bikkurim, the first fruit, must recite. Read this recitation in Chapter 26 verses 3-10 and you will notice that it is a short history lesson. Why is this moment of offering first fruits, of all times, an appropriate time to be recounting history: how we got to Eretz Canaan and what we’ve been through as a people?

TableTalk: Shoftim

At the end of this week’s parsha, we have a very intriguing mitzvah referred to as “eglah arufah,” a term which means “baby calf who is killed at the back of its neck.”

TableTalk: Pinchas

In this week’s parsha we are inspired by the daughters of Tzlafchad.

TableTalk: Shmini

In this week’s parsha, Shmini, we are taught about kosher animals and non-kosher animals.

TableTalk: VaYakhel


How far does the apple fall from the tree? This Shabbat we’re taking a look at our grandparents.

TableTalk: Terumah

In this week’s Torah reading, Parshat Terumah, we learn all about the vessels and structure of the mishkan, the tabernacle. The Torah tells us that God commanded: “Make for me a mishkan, and I will then dwell in your midst.”

TableTalk: Mishpatim

Why is kindness such an essential value to us?

TableTalk: Beshalach


How should we react when our enemies are destroyed?

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