

Talking about Death by Daphne Price

A couple of interactions had me reflect on Devorah’s blog post “Too Crazy” where she asks, “is there a healthy way to approach the scary things out there?” Since I’ve had my six-year-old pack an overnight bag before, I can only imagine what she would pack in her emergency bag — and I’m picturing a year’s supply of gum, candy and Barbie and Polly Pocket paraphernalia. Also, I had to laugh at Devorah’s reminiscence about our childhood when we were taught to pack a bag to be prepared for the Messiah’s arrival. Except that I’m not laughing any more…

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Holiday Spirit by Daphne Price

My girls, ages 6 and 3, LOVE the Christmas season. They love everything about it – from pouring over advertisements for various toy sales to the holiday jingles they hear in the mall. They also love being driven around the neighborhood (and adjoining neighborhoods) to check out the Christmas lights that decorate so many homes. They love celebrating Chanukah too – lighting the candles, spinning the dreidels, eating latkes and donuts, and yes, unwrapping gifts. But more than any other non-Jewish/secular holiday, there’s something about Christmas that calls to them.

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How to Say I’m Sorry. A Guide for Parents and Kids

‘Yom Kippur’ the ‘Day of Atonement’ is coming up. G-d in His infinite kindness has given us a special day in the year where He forgives us for all the wrong we have done during the year.

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Say Little and Do Much

In Pirkei Avot (Ethics of Our Fathers) 1:15 it states: “Say little and do much.” According to our sages, Avraham Avinu, our forefather, espoused this characteristic. We as Jews are advised to follow Avraham Avinu’s great ways. And since I am a parent educator, I’m interested to know: can we use this great piece of wisdom when we parent? Can we emulate Avraham’s middah (character trait) when we try to get through to our kids?

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I told you so

Ethics of Our Fathers 2:15
Let your fellow’s honor be as dear to you as your own…

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Talking to your Kids about Sandy Hook

I have gotten repeated request to write an article about Sandy Hook, about what we should say to our kids. I have been mulling it over all weekend. I realized that I am not sure that I can.

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Rosh HaShana: A time for Family Introspection

It is that time of year again. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are right around the corner. Now if someone was to ask me, what is the first word that comes to mind when I think of the High Holy Days, I would say “Teshuva”, Repentance.

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Pesach: the Nail-Biting Phase

Pesach is right around the corner and I am just past the nail-biting phase. This is where I just worry about Pesach. I walk from room to room in my house, feeling overwhelmed, not sure how I am going to do it all.

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Math for Moms by Kally Kislowicz

I am happy to report that this summer worked out really well. I had some kids in day camp and some at home with me, and there were times when I actually believed that each child was getting exactly what he/she needed.

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3 Men and a Little Lady

After being blessed with 3 boys (and by blessed I mean besieged), we finally welcomed a baby girl into our family a little more than a year ago. After boy #3 was born, I made my peace with being a boy family. Save the times when I walked wistfully by the baby girls’ section in Target, I was quite content with the number of Y chromosomes in our home.

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