Parshat Pinchas teaches us the significance of being significant – through our census and through our inheritance rights.
- Who are Bnei Yisrael ordered to fight?
The Midyanim (25:17).
- How old must a male in Bnei Yisrael be in order to be counted in the new census?
20 (26:2).
- How many men were counted in the new census that were 20 years old or older?
601,730 (26:51).
- Why was this census so important?
The census determined the inheritance of the land. The larger tribes got more land (26:52-56).
- Why was the tribe of Levites counted differently?
Because they did not get a portion of the land (26:62)
- What did the 5 daughters of Tzelafchad want?
Their father’s inheritance. Generally only sons inherited land, but their father had no sons (27:4).
- What happened because of the daughters request?
The laws of inheritance were changed to include daughters as well (27:6-8).
- Since Moshe sinned he was not allowed to enter Israel. What did God allow Moshe to do?
Go up Mount Avarim and see Israel (27:12)
- Who was appointed Moshe’s successor?
Yehoshua Ben Nun (27:18)
- How does this Parsha end?
With a discussion on sacrifices to be brought to God.
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