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Design your own flashcards to teach the Aleph Bet!

Ages 5-8


Index cards, preferably unlined.
Glitter pens
Glue stick


Download our Aleph Bet template or draw your own letters. Cut out each letter and paste on index cards. Design each card with glitter pens (or glitter glue) and add a Hebrew word that starts with the matching letter.

Here are our recommendations:

א       אריה (lion)

ב       בית    (house)

ג        גמל   (camel)

ד       דגל    (flag)

ה       הר     (mountain)

ו        ורד    (rose)

ז        זית     (olive)

ח       חיל    (soldier)

ט       טוב    (good)

י        ילד    (boy)

כ       כדור (ball)

ל        לב     (heart)

מ       מים    (water)

נ        נמר    (leopard)

ס       סביבון        (dreidel)

ע       ענבים         (grapes)

פ       פיל    (elephant)

צ       צדק   (justice)

ק       קשת (rainbow)

ר        ראש (head)

ש       שמש (sun)

ת       תינוק (baby)