

Personal Parsha: Noach.

In this week’s Torah reading, Noach is asked to build an ark and save himself and his family while the rest of mankind is killed in a flood.

Bereshit, Noach, Torah|0 Comments

Personal Parsha: Lech Lecha. Avraham.

In this week’s parsha, we encounter Avraham. There is so much we can learn from Avraham, even though sometimes we imagine him to be larger than life! Let’s look at some of the stories, trials and tribulations from this week’s parsha and ask ourselves:

Parsha Craft: Noah. Napkin Rings.

Do you want to celebrate the rainbow without adding too many artificial colors to your food? Look through your basket of old ribbons and notions — I found a spool of rainbow covered ribbon and afixed it to some old napkin rings. Or, consider using a different color ribbon as a napkin ring for each napkin — make your whole Shabbat table look like a rainbow!

Bereshit, Noach, Torah|0 Comments

Menu Madness: Bereshit

Bringing Parsha to your Table… one dish at a time

Menu Madness: Lech Lecha

With stars and sand and covenants with God, your Shabbat table will sparkle this week!

Menu Madness: VaYera

This week’s parsha opens up with the story of three “angels” visiting Avraham’s tent and provides rich detail about how Avraham welcomes the angels in and cares for them. We learn that Avraham was a person who acts with loving-kindness specifically when it comes to the mitzvah of “Hachnasat Orchim,” welcoming guests into his home.

Bereshit, Torah, Vayera|0 Comments

Parsha Recipe: Toldot

This week’s parsha food is a NO BRAINER! Breisheet makes it easy for us by painting such vivid stories for us that they often already include recipes, or at least food mentions. This week Esav trades his birthright to his brother, Yaakov, for some red lentil soup (See Genesis 25:29-34). It seems that Red Lentil Soup can be very persuasive.

Bereshit, Toldot, Torah|0 Comments

TEN: VaYetze

This week we’re following Yaakov’s life as he leaves his father’s home and begins a family of his own.

TEN: VaYishlach

This is an exciting and sad week for Yaakov, while he is reunited with his long lost brother and has a birth of his final son, he also loses loved ones.

TEN: VaYeishev

Yosef grows from a young man in Canaan, where he was his father’s favorite to a slave and eventually a prisoner in Egypt.