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In this week’s parsha, Parshat Devarim, Moshe starts his final speech to the Children of Israel. He reminds the people that God “multiplied you, and behold, you are today as the stars of the heavens in abundance.” This is a fulfillment of the promise God had made to Abraham back in Parshat Lech Lecha that his descendents would be as numerous as the stars of the heaven. Most kids love stars and glitter so this is a chance to do any variation of a star craft.Materials: 

Black oak tag
Silver and gold glitter or glitter paint
White glue


1 – Draw the outline of star shapes
2 – Use a paint brush to fill in the shapes with watered down glue
3 – Sprinkle glitter on the glue and shake off the excess.



1)      Cut star shapes out of paper and attach them to a string to make a string of stars
2)      Use tinfoil to make stars
3)      Make a mobile of stars by hanging stars from a hanger or paper plate.


Emily Shapiro Katz has been a community Jewish educator for over ten years in Jerusalem, Atlanta, and San Francisco. Emily lives in Beer Sheva with her husband and four children. Her contributions to this website reflect her interest in teaching Tanach, doing craft projects, and entertaining her kids. Emily blogs about her Parsha Projects at