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Used pressed flowers to make a Shavuot platter for your table!


2 clear plastic plates (or bowls)
pressed flowers
white glue
paint brush


Go flower picking. Look for small flowers, collect an assortment of shapes and colors. Be sure to pick more than you need in case some don’t press as well as other. At home, place flowers in between two pieces of plain paper then in the middle of a heavy hardcover book. Stack books on top of each other for better results. After a day or two, check on the flowers to make sure they have been flattened. Carefully remove flowers (use a pair of tweezers if they get stuck to the paper).

Arrange pressed flowers in one of the plastic plates. Apply glue along the rim of the plate, then carefully place the second plate on top of the plate wtih flowers. Let dry. Use for dry food or as a candy dish.

For an elegant look, arrange the flowers between two glass plates. No glue necessary.