

Coloring Page for Parshat VaAyra (click on picture to print)

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Menu Madness: VaAyra

The parashah introduces the first seven of the ten plagues that God sent down on Egypt. The plagues will form the meal… rather than just be represented by a drop of wine as at the Pesach Seder.

Check out our updated TEN: Parshat Shmot

We’re so excited about the launch of our updated TEN. Enjoy a complimentary copy of this week’s TEN parsha questions for Parshat Shmot!

Parshat Shmot Coloring Page (click on picture to print)

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TableTalk: Shmot


Why is Moshe the one chosen to be a Jewish hero?

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Personal Parsha: Shmot. Midwives

In this week’s parsha, we meet two extraordinary women, two midwives. They defied Pharoah because they believed that his decree – to kill all baby boys born to Jews – was immoral and against God’s values and plan for the world.

Menu Madness: Shmot

Originally, when I began pondering this whole blogging-the-parashah idea, I joked that reaching Shmot would be strange, because why would I want to make Pesach in January.

Torah Treats: Shmot

In this week’s parsha, the Egyptians enslave the Children of Israel with back breaking work.

Parsha Craft: Shmot. Baby Moshe

We’re putting Baby Moshe on the Nile River in this week’s Parsha craft!

Maze Magic: Shmot


Moses leaves Egypt and becomes a shepherd in Midyan. One day a sheep runs away and leaves Moses to a burning bush. There, God tells Moses of his destiny, to return to Egypt to save the Jewish people. Help the sheep lead Moses to the burning bush. Click the icon below to download a printer-friendly version.