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As I have mentioned before, I have four sons and one daughter. Our daughter is our first child followed by a small rugby team of boys. And today she is 11. As I sneak off to write this, there are 22 girls sitting in my living room, watching a Disney movie (so adorable that they will still watch Disney!), eating truckloads of popcorn and forests worth of cotton candy (so fabulous that they still eat!). With a promise that all children will eat vegetables when they get home, I plan to serve cupcakes as they leave. I am fully aware that most parents will hate me as I send their kids home full of nothing of any nutritional value (fiber in popcorn?).

One of the reasons that this birthday is so important to me is because of the supreme significance of the next one. Next year, when my daughter turns 12, she becomes a Bat Mitzvah. And, for me, there is so much that comes along with that. I am overwhelmed that my sweet innocent adorably naïve child will become grown up in some ways. I think this party may be my way of holding on just that minute longer – before preteen sets in, before decisions become truly significant, before insecurities kick in.


So, baby, happy birthday. I think I may be having a hard time with you growing up so fast (but I’m doing the best I can…)


What about you? How do you handle watching your kids grow up so quickly? Any advice?