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I feel like I spend all day creating lists. I make shopping lists, menu lists, lists of people I want to invite for Shabbat lunch, lists of people I need to call, to-do lists for work and to-do lists for all the various outstanding projects I have to do at home. I have broken down these lists into “in due time” (go through the kids closet and pull old clothes that don’t fit them) and “urgent” (draft blog posting for and “super-duper-urgent” (pick up prescription for sick child).

I keep scraps of paper in my kitchen and a notebook by my bed and an open running document on my computer collecting all of these bits of information. When I train various staffers, I give them a run-down on the value of creating and maintaining a to-do list and instructing them on the importance of prioritizing the work they have to do – and of course, on bringing any given task to completion. I have even written a “Torah Study” session on this topic for leaders of Jewish organizations.

So you think that I’d be on top of my game 24/7, right?

Like so many of you, I work full time, and when I’m not at work, I try to devote every waking second (including many sleepless nights) to everything related to my home – husband, kids, family, friends, community, etc. etc. etc….. But no matter how organized I try to be, I can’t seem to stay ahead of the game. It feels like I can’t ever bring a full list to completion (unless the issue or project has been resolved in the fullness of time).

And I know there is some joke to be made about me spending too much time on creating/maintaining my lists and not enough on completing the tasks at hand. But truly, few things give me greater pleasure than knowing that I’ve cleared everything and that I can start my day the next day with a clear sheet of paper.

So? What am I missing? How do you prioritize your tasks and manage your time? Is it possible to get it all done? Or are we all trying to achieve the impossible?