

Menora Craft and Activity

Chanukah always offers great craft possibilities but it only happens once a year! Thankfully, there are Torah portions, including this one, that describe the construction of the ancient Menorah that existed in the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and later in the Mikdash (Temple). The Menorah is an important and beautiful symbol that kids love to create and decorate using various medium. This week’s parsha is called Behaalotcha, which means “when you go up,” referring to Aaron’s “raising the lights” of the Menorah. In Parshat Terumah, the Menorah is described in great detail:

Make a menorah out of pure gold. The menorah shall be formed by hammering it. Its base, stem, and decorative cups, spheres and flowers must be hammered out of a single piece of gold. Six branches shall extend from its sides, three branches on one side of the menorah, and three branches on the other side. There shall be three embossed cups, as well as a sphere and a flower on each and every one of the branches. All six branches extending from the menorah’s stem must be the same in this respect. The shaft of the menorah shall have four embossed cups along with its spheres and flowers. A sphere shall serve as a base for each pair of branches extending from the shaft. This shall be true for all six branches extending from the stem of the menorah. The spheres and branches shall be an integral part of the menorah. They shall all be hammered out of a single piece of pure gold. Make seven lamps on the menorah. Its lamps shall be lit so that they shine primarily toward its center. The menorah’s wick tongs and ash scoops shall also be made out of

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Recycled Menorah

Use materials around your house to make this creative Chanukiah!

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Walking Through the Holidays with Grace

In the past few days, I’ve been remembering my day school education. Specifically, those (usually female) teachers who told us of the tradition that women relax while the candles are burning each night. And while I sort of pretend to maybe relax, I completely and totally fail. It is the perfect time to make your latkes, to decorate the donuts, to set the table. It seems completely incongruous with a mother’s way of scheduling.

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Spirit of Giving

Every year I find myself in a similar predicament. Much like Santa, I’ve made my list and checked it twice (I sort of leave off the naughty or nice part) and head out shopping. We like to give our kids a small gift each night. One night we give them board games and turn that night into a games night. One night we give them all sorts of dreidels and spend the evening playing dreidel. Every once in awhile when we feel really creative, we make up a family treasure hunt or game and play that too. But I also buy them STUFF.

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Holiday Spirit by Daphne Price

My girls, ages 6 and 3, LOVE the Christmas season. They love everything about it – from pouring over advertisements for various toy sales to the holiday jingles they hear in the mall. They also love being driven around the neighborhood (and adjoining neighborhoods) to check out the Christmas lights that decorate so many homes. They love celebrating Chanukah too – lighting the candles, spinning the dreidels, eating latkes and donuts, and yes, unwrapping gifts. But more than any other non-Jewish/secular holiday, there’s something about Christmas that calls to them.

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Thank You Cards

As wonderful as it is to get gifts, it’s even more wonderful to say thanks!

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Personalized Thank You Cards

An easy and personal way to say thank you.

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Making Olive Oil

Here’s a great project to do at home before Chanukah!

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Make your own wrapping paper

With Chanukah rapidly approaching, we’re thinking about gift giving. With so much that can be recycled out there and with parents always looking for afternoon activities for their little ones, we’re looking at creative ways to make your own wrapping paper. Here are a few of our ideas. We’d love to hear some of your’s. Add them in the comment section below.

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Make your own Menorah

One template – so many options!

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