TEN Questions

/Tag:TEN Questions

TEN: Kedoshim

This week we get a crash course in holiness as God lays out His expectations on how we become a holy nation.

TEN: Behar

Once the Israelites enter the land of Israel, there will be a whole new set of laws waiting for them: how to treat the land.

TEN: BeChukotai

In the last Torah reading of the book of VaYikra, we are told of all the good that will come our way if we follow God’s laws. We are also warned of the punishments that will happen if we disobey. 

TEN: Bamidbar

In the first Torah reading of the book of BaMidbar, God commands Moses to count the people of Israel and defines the special role of the tribe of Levites.

TEN: Nasso

This week we have new responsibilities, we have offerings, we have the laws of the Nazarites and we have some generous gifts.

Bamidbar, Nasso, Torah|0 Comments

TEN: Shelach

Interested in livening up your Shabbat table? Challenge your kids to our weekly TEN. We’re asking ten questions from this week’s Torah reading. And, parents, fear not, answers are included.

TEN: Chukat

This week’s parsha is full of new mitzvot, there is a story with a rock and battles with foreign lands. There are great questions, great discussions and great projects to do. As always here are your TEN questions (and answers).

Bamidbar, Chukat, Torah|0 Comments

TEN: Balak

In this week’s Torah reading, we are introduced to a King and a Prophet. The King, Balak, is desperate to curse the Israelites and sends the prophet, Balaam, to do just that. Balaam is repeatedly warned along the way not to curse the Israelites, but he chooses to go anyway. However, as hard as he tries to curse them, Balaam only manages to heap blessing on the Israelites.

Balak, Bamidbar, Torah|0 Comments

TEN: Matot-Masei

With two parshot this week, we’re covering a lot of ground. This week we start getting ready to go into the land of Israel and get a picture of how to set up life once there.

TEN: Devarim

As Bnei Yisrael continue towards the Land of Israel, Moshe has some final words.

Devarim, Devarim, Torah|0 Comments